Sunday, 9 December 2012

Seeking a Beer for the End of the World

After I logged off last night, the second point I was going to make came back to me. 

It was all about how to face the end of the world, in Glitch terms. 

My original plan was to dress up in a funeral suit, but that seemed... Ghoulish, macabre and silly, really. 

So I tarted my glitchen up in clothes that seemed best, and gave it some more thought. 

Yesterday evening, I was thinking that the best thing to do would be to give up everything - all the tools, all the emblems, everything in my packs. Donate, sell, give away. 

Then face the oncoming storm with nothing but my focussing orb and meditate, meditate, meditate. 

I realised too late - i.e. after having the massive downsizing - that this was so not the right way to do things. 

It depends on your worldview - or, more accurately, end-of-the-worldview - but I've come to feel that this isn't a world ending, it's just the closing of a door and a barring of the gate between this world and the world of Glitch. 

All the glitchen will continue on, doing their things, exploring. But they'll be free to do it themselves, without worrying about doing what we wanted them to do. Freedom! 

So why would you want to start this new, free life with nothing but a glass ball? 

Today, I managed to - through some judicious luck and skill - finally learn every skill available to my glitchen. I then went and bought all the tools and bits and bobs you'd need to survive in the world. 

When the end comes - at 4am my time, which is a bit of a bugger - I'm going to make sure my glitchen is under a cherry tree in his yard, with some sammiches, beer, and maybe a couple of snocones for afters. He can sit there, and watch the sun come up on the new world, whatever that looks like, and just... relax. 

Then, free of meddling human influence, he can go and do whatever he likes, and I'll know that I've given him - or, more accurately, made him learn - all the skills he could possibly learn, and have all the tools he could possibly need. 

I've made sure he's seen all of the world, too, so he can walk - or teleport - anywhere he likes. 

And he can do whatever he likes in Ur, whenever he wants to. 

That's how I choose to see the ending of this story. 


Author's note: I know I'm talking about a virtual world and a virtual avatar in that game world, and there is a part of my brain that says stop being preposterous, it was only a game, and to that part I say; Enough! It may be preposterous to get emotional about this. But being preposterous is what made Glitch such a fun, enthralling, strange, curious, interesting, and above all beautiful experience. 

So I'll be as preposterous - and as emotional - as I like, and I'll thank you very much to sit this one out, rational part of my brain. You can come back later when it's time to do things like... Say... Work. For now, though, enjoy the craziness! 

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